An Interval Training Experience
The Interval Training program organized by the Physical Education and Sports Center was held at the Student’s Dormitory Sports Hall on Tuesday, March 9, at 6 p.m. The program included aerobics, taibox, step and fitness sections. Over 250 participants attended the training which lasted one and a half hours.
“It was a very nice experience since we did it as a big group. I enjoyed working out with the music. I would like it to happen more often.”
Ata Şamlı (MAN/IV)
“Although I work out regularly, it was the first time I attended the actual Interval Training. I think it was a very beneficial training but the most important thing about it was the fun I got from it.”
Volkan Muşlu (CAD/I)
“I loved it! It definitely has to be held more then once a semester. The music was great, I felt like everyone was working out in a disco! The sections were divided very well, so that everyone had the chance to catch their breath before the next section started. So much fun!”
Hande Kaya (ECON/III)
The above quotes are only from three of the 250 sporty students who attended the interval training session held at the Student Dormitories Sports Hall last week. Marking the fifth activity in a series of group sports events, and this event gathered the greatest number of attendees to date.
Students who attended the interval training session left their stress behind and stepped into spring with joy and dynamism. In a social setting complete with energetic music, the attendees exercised, doing aerobics, step, tae-bo, ab training and stretching by rotating between activities on cue with the changing music.
Group sports activities will continue to be held, please look out for the announcements posted around campus.