Volume 11, Number 13
14 December 2004

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This Week

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Interval Training: Where Sports Meets Fun

The Interval Training program organized by the Physical Education and Sports Center was held at the Student Dormitories Sports Hall on Tuesday, December 7. The program included aerobics, tae-bo, step and fitness sections. Over 200 participants, including students, faculty members and staff, attended the hour-and-a-half training session.

Here is what a few of them had to say:
Assoc. Prof. Orhan Arıkan (EE): "It was a great program. I usually play table tennis. This is the first time I've done aerobics, step, and tae-bo. We brought our whole family. All of us participated right up to the end, except for my little daughter. It was too difficult for her, so she went to sleep, as you can see."
Prof. Ayhan Altıntaş (EE): "This is the first time I've participated in the Interval Training program. It's lots of fun, and is a great activity to make people love sports! The instructors were really talented. I'd like to see it happen more often."
Özge Yüzbaşıoğlu (ECON/III): "Although I work out regularly, this was the first time I'd attended the actual Interval Training program. I think it was very beneficial training, but the most important thing was the fun I got from it."
Koray Erkök (THEA/Prep):
"I loved it, especially the tae-bo session. I think I learned a lot from the program, because besides being fun, it was also educational. I got really tired, but it was worth it!"
The Physical Education and Sports Center will continue to hold group activities--please look for the announcements posted around campus.n

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