Volume 11, Number 3
12 October 2004

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Letter to the Editor

The Sorry State of the Tennis Courts on Campus
When I call the Sports Center for a tennis court reservation, they invariably ask if I want an indoor or outdoor court. An invariably baffling question for me, because the indoor court is a useless choice both in the summer and in the winter.
It turns into a sauna in the summer, and it is a combination of a tennis court and a skating rink in the winter. Its ceiling leaks in rain and snow, its heating system doesn't work and the floor is dangerously skiddy because it is wet most of the time.

The condition of the outdoor courts is no better.  It is probably the only facility on campus receiving no maintenance. It seems no one is responsible for its upkeep. Sagging nets, large cracks on the pavement that can deflect balls, puddles after the slightest rain that take three days to dry up, plus the general uncleanliness as a sure sign of a neglected place are its basic features.

So, how can anyone ask "Tennis anyone?" under these conditions?

Dr. Osman Oğuz
Dept. of Industrial Engineering

Response to the Letter
Dear Osman Oğuz,
The cleaning staff of the Sports Center takes care of the daily cleaning of the outdoor courts; unfortunately, the leaves that are shed from the trees cover the surface of the courts within a few hours after the daily cleaning is completed because of the wind.

The nets of the courts are being checked periodically and if necessary, they are either being repaired or replaced by the new ones.
The ground floors of the outdoor courts are damaged as a result of subsidence of the ground. This problem will be solved as soon as possible with the examination of the ground floor by the Construction and Maintenance Unit.

There are also some problems with the indoor tennis court. The court's tent is in such a bad condition that it is no longer repairable. As a result of this situation, either a complete restoration of the court or the construction of new courts in other locations will be taken into consideration.

We apologize for these problems and request the patience of Bilkent staff and students. Thank you for your attention.

Dr. Hayri Özkan
Head of Physical Education and Sports Center

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