Volume 12, Number 25
18 April 2006

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This Week

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Fitness Challenge Awards Given

On April 11, students who collected at least 100 points during the February 27-March 26 Spring Fitness Challenge Program received their awards at the Student Dormitories Sports Hall. A total of 111 students (57 men and 54 women) participated in this event and 13 of them (6 men and 7 women) collected 200 points, winning medals.

Challenge winners all agreed that this was a fantastic event. Seval Akyol (ETE/II), one of those with 200 points, stated that she had worked out with enthusiasm for an hour and a half every day during the weeks of the challenge. Another participant with 200 points, Yusuf Belli (ACC/III), suggested that a fitness challenge should also be held during the fall semester.

Yeşim Güvezne (POLS/III)


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