Volume 12, Number 8
8 November 2005

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This Week

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"Greet it with laughter
What fate sends to you
If clouds, then right after
Are the skies clear and blue.
It's all in a lifetime -
Joy, sorrow and pain;
There never is a rainbow till after the rain.

The author of this little poem is unknown, but what he/she said totally describes each of our lives. There are bad days and good days, and at the end we find a way to survive.

Some days, just waking up is a big issue. You don't want to get out of bed and don't want to do anything except lie in that corner. Sometimes this can last for a week, a month, even years. Is there a way to cope with this negative attitude to life?

I don't know. But maybe this little poem can guide us in taking a step toward having a more positive life. Every day, each of us encounters problems, sometimes big and very difficult problems and occasionally very big and insoluble problems. And at the end of the day, another day begins, so we have two possibilities: taking the problem with us to the next day, or accepting it and trying to learn to live with it.

I have experienced this several times in my life: if you take the problem with you, it starts to grow and becomes heavier. You begin to hurt people who care about you and others who may want to care. Then, you start not even caring about yourself. And this can lead to very harmful results.

I have also experienced the second way of dealing with a problem, which is at the beginning more difficult than just denying it and lashing out at other people. But the end result is better. You start by accepting the fact that you are having a problem that other people all around the world also have.

Then, you need to try to find a solution. If you're getting poor grades, you could ask your friends for help or simply work harder. If you miss someone you've lost, try to focus on the good memories and hope that they're happy wherever they are. If you miss someone who's far away, you can give them a call or send a card.

And then, try to find another way to keep your mind busy. Go to a movie, take the day off, talk with your friends or even try a kind of cake you've never eaten before. At the end of the day, you'll be much more comfortable in facing your problem. The rain will stop, and then you'll see the rainbow appear, making everything look brighter. Your problem may not go away, but as the days pass, it will be mixed in with the rest of your life.

Have a week full of rainbows.


Sıla Türkü Kural (EE/III)

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