Latest Standings of the
Category C University Soccer Tournament |
The Category C University Soccer Tournament started with two matches:
Başkent vs.Atılım and Bilkent vs.TOBB ETU on Tuesday, March 13. Although TOBB ETU had
more supporters than the Bilkent team, our team won the match with a score of 10-0. Our
goal scorers were Ömer Yılmaz with 4 goals, Alper Albayrak with 2 goals, and Volkan
Akalın, Tarık Aydın, Sefa Ekincioğlu and Özgür Çetin with one goal each. Başkent
beat Atılım 4-1.
The matches to be played on Thursday, March 15 were postponed to the end of the tournament
because of the inclement weather. For upcoming matches the Bilkent team needs your
support! All the matches are played at the Main Campus Grass Field and the next matches
are scheduled for:
Wednesday, March 21
1 p.m. Atılım vs. G.A.T.A
3 p.m. T.O.B.B ETU vs. Başkent
Friday, March 23
1 p.m. Atılım vs. T.O.B.B ETU
3 p.m. Bilkent vs. G.A.T.A
Monday, March 26
1 p.m. G.AT.A vs. T.O.B.B ETU
3 p.m. Bilkent vs. Başkent
Yeşim Şağban (IE/III)