Volume 13, Number 25
04 April

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This Week

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Perception: The Bridge Between Two Worlds

What we perceive is not what we see. Many Bilkent students, who wanted to learn why, were in Emre Özgen's seminar on March 28. This was the first talk in the seminar series organized by the Bilkent Psychology Club, so Dr. Özgen, the Chair of the Psychology Department, began his talk by greeting the members of the newly formed club, and thanked the students for their efforts.

The topic of the seminar was perception, and Dr. Özgen presented his talk "Perception: the Bridge Between Two Worlds." Perception is called a bridge between two worlds, the physical and mental worlds, because it illuminates how our mind works. Emre Özgen said that the issue is very interesting, exciting and also helpful to consider for those interested in computers, artificial intelligence and psychology. He discussed perception with a PowerPoint presentation illustrating five areas of perception: frequency, color, form, depth and the perception of movement.
For those who missed this seminar, more seminars organized by the Psychology Club are forthcoming.

Banu Bilgiç (PHIL/III)
Nuray Mustafaoğlu (PSYC/II)

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