“Mavi Cup” Intramural
Basketball Tournament |
Attention all basketball fanatics! The upcoming "Mavi Cup"
basketball tournament is a great opportunity to add some spice to your campus life. There
will be seven universities playing in this tournament, including Ankara University,
Atılım University, Bilkent University, Gazi University, Hacettepe University, METU and
There are also competitions, shows, free snacks and surprise gifts to take advantage of.
This amazing tournament starts on Tuesday, April 17 and
ends on Thursday, April 19. The first match will be
played on April 17 at 1 p.m. between Gazi and Atılım
Universities at the Main Sports Hall. The schedule of the first day is as follows;
Tuesday, April 17
1 p.m.: Gazi - Atılım
2:30 p.m.: TOBB ETU - Hacettepe
4 p.m.: Opening Ceremony
5 p.m.: Bilkent - METU
Wednesday, April 18
2 p.m.: Ankara - METU
3:30 p.m.: Gazi - Hacettepe
5 p.m.: Atılım - TOBB ETU
Thursday, April 19
1 p.m.: Gazi - TOBB ETU
2:30 p.m.: Hacettepe - Atılım
4 p.m.: Ankara - Bilkent
For more information, call the Physical Education and Sports Center at ext. 1993
and 1325.