A Bilkent team is preparing to represent Bilkent University in the first hydro mobile
competition organized by TÜBİTAK (The Scientific & Technological Research Council of
Turkey). Hydrogen energy is advantageous compared with other energy resources but it is
not commonly used because of the prohibitive costs of producing and storing hydrogen. If
the production and storage challenges can be addressed, hydrogen would become the most
efficient energy source available. The goal of the competition, to be held in July 2007,
is to increase interest in alternative energy resources as cars that utilize hydrogen
energy will compete in a Formula One-like race. The Bilkent team, HidromoBilkent, was
formed by Bilkent IEEE Society members in August 2006 and team members are students from a
number of departments including EE, CHEM, PHYS, IE, ECON, FA, GRA and BF. The team
finished the design and construction of the mechanical units of the car (chassis,
steering, gears, suspension and braking systems) and is currently working on the
integration of the hydrogen fuel cell with the rest of the system. There is fierce
competition for the Hidromobil '07 race and a number of other teams representing other
universities are receiving significant financial support from their alumni. Therefore,
HidromoBilkent is looking for alumni and students who will sponsor and support the
HidromoBilkent team financially in this important technological race.
To support the team, contact Atıf Emre Demet (CHEM/I), a_demet@ug.bilkent.edu.tr or Yaprak
Ayazoğlu (EE/IV) ayaprak@ug.bilkent.edu.tr
Yeşim Şağban (IE/III)