Volume 14, Number 24
April 15, 2008

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This Week

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Inter-University Championship Competition News

championship Bilkent University teams, coached by Dr. Alper Uğraş and Serhan Gür, competed in the Inter-University Tennis Championship Competitions, March 28 and April 4, at Antalya Akdeniz University. Students from 15 different universities were registered in the men's category, while 24 different universities were represented in the women's. A grand total of 540 students took part.

Bilkent's Men's team - Cem Karayalçın (MAN/IV), Umur Aras (CTIS/II), Sezer Selfun (BF/III), and Yalçın Çiftçioğlu (THM/II) - placed first in Category B and will advance to competition in Category A.

Although they played well and were competitive, the women's team - (Nazlı Bilgen (CTIS/III), İrem Bayramlı (MAN/IV), Selin Önen (IAED/IV), and Mine Tüzün (LAW/IV) - didn't place, and will stay in Category B.

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