The Bilkent Motorsports Club will hold an educational seminar on how alcohol can affect ones ability to drive, Tuesday, April 15. Ahmet and Canan Özgün, producers and presenters of a TV show called Sinyal, will give short and entertaining presentations, featuring a fancy set of goggles that show what its like to try and see while being intoxicated. Come and strap on a pair for yourself in the FEASS Building, C-Block Auditorium, from 12:40 p.m. to 4:40 p.m. Outside, in the FEASS parking lot, there will be a tent set up all day where you can take part in more educational activities that include a car simulator, ball shooting and those fancy drunk goggles.
Drinking and driving is a serious issue, with grave consequences. Getting behind the wheel of a car after drinking is not only dangerous to yourself, but to everyone who you share the road with. Find out more. Attend this event.