Volume 14, Number 24
April 15, 2008

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This Week

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From the Gallery of My Mind

alev deđim “Magnificent Wedding” and “The Wheel Of Time”

When I entered the theater for to watch the play called the “Magnificent Wedding,” (Ţahane Düđün) I wasn't in the best of spirits. It had been a long time since I had been to this theatre, and here I was FINALLY going to see a play that was… a comedy. I usually don't like comedies.

To top it off, our seats were inconveniently close, as in right next to, two older women. It wasn’t their age that was the issue. It was the fact that they were talking pretty loud, at times arguing about whether the blouse one of them was making should be green or blue. The start of the play didn't slow them down at all, in fact, it seemed to be a mere distraction to their conversation, and so, they just talked louder. Finally, FINALLY, they were told to be quiet. Unfortunately, I now know more about the color of an older ladies future blouse than I do about the first 15 minutes of the play.

Despite my lack of excitement in the beginning, I must admit I did walk out with a smile on my face, and a feeling that I had seen a worthwhile production. The cast was made up of actors from the television series Bizim Evin Halleri, a very successful show, with over 1300 episodes. Now that I tell you about it, and know that viewers would enjoy the play, as long as they don't have to hear about blouses for the first fifteen minutes, I must say that it has now closed. Oh, I hope it opens again. If it does, you don't want to miss it. If someone like me could drag herself in with such little enthusiasm, and walk out with a spring in my step, then I have to say that I strongly advise everyone to go and see it.


So, as the play has closed, its time to open a book. Reading, as you may know from past columns, is a passion of mine. Recently, I have been enjoying a series called "The Wheel of Time." Though dubbed as classical fantastic fiction, writer Robert Jordan has made very interesting philosophical points through out the books. He visualizes humans as strings. Each string is woven into a wheel and becomes part of a bigger picture. At times, it almost seems as though Jordan snatched the concepts directly from the philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, and his idea of parallel worlds.

The main character is a boy from a small village who has little knowledge of the world. One day his father gives him a special sword. Within seconds he finds himself in an adventure. The struggle he has to face is quite usual - to save the world from evil. But the way the story unfolds itself traps you inside its pages. I think it's fascinating! "The Wheel of Time" series consists of 12 marvelous books that open doors to new worlds and dimensions. Enjoy!

I fair you well for now...

Alev Deđim (COMD/III)

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