Turhan Çömez, former Balıkesir MP was at Bilkent last Friday to speak at a
panel organized by the Genç Aydınlanma Club . The event was one of the many in
the club's second "Youth in the Republic's Future" seminar program. Çömez, a
familiar face in Turkish politics and media, provided his own views during the panel
entitled "Sözde Ermeni Soykırımı ve ABD'deki Son Gelişmeler,"
focusing on the history and politics of Turkish-Armenian relations. Çömez's panel, which
was held in the Mithat Çoruh Auditorium, went on for over an hour and was well attended
by an eager group. The Q&A session afterwards opened the door for an intelligent, and
often heated debate. At the end of the day, it was clear that both Çömez and the
audience were delighted with the presentation, and that Genç Aydınlanma had
been successful in organizing such a tremendous event.
Selim Can Sazak (PHIL/I)