Volume 15, Number 20
March 17, 2009

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This Week

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Faces on Campus

Tolga Uslu
Department: Industrial Engineering (III)
Movie: “Taken” / “It is very gripping.”
Book: Tüfek , Mikrop ve Çelik /  “It tells the history of humans.”
TV: Acı Hayat
Music: “Cosmic Girl” by Jamiroquai/“ The nineties were beautiful.”

Metehan Kısaparmak
Department: Economics (IV)
Movie: “Scarface” / “ Say hello to my friends.”
Book: Mein Kampf  by Adolf Hitler
TV: “Family Guy” / “Very funny.”
Music: “Yellow Submarine” by The Beatles / “Smooth and calming.”

Elburuz İnceman
Department: Management(IV)
Movie: Bin Jip / “It is extraordinary.”
Book: Ağrı Dağı Efsanesi by Yaşar Kemal/“It is very impressive.”
TV: “Big Bang Theory”/“So funny.”
Music: Sevdalı Kuş by I.Hakkı Demircioğlu / “I relax when listening to it.”

By Sinan Şekkeli (ECON/IV)

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This newsletter will print letters received from readers.
Please submit your letters to bilnews@bilkent.edu.tr
or to the Communications Unit, Engineering Building, room EG-23, ext. 1487.
The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.