Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Topluluğu (TÜDAT), founded 6 years ago at Bilkent University, hosted the Second Ankara Turkic World Student Congress, May 2 and 3. The aim of this event was to bring students of the Turkic world together, creating a cultural exchange to establish and strengthen the bridge of friendship. Participants listened to what problems are being faced by different groups and made their voices heard to help find solutions. More than 80 student delegates attended from countries ranging from Afghanistan to the Republic of Tataristan, from the Balkans to East Turkistan, who are now studying at various universities in Ankara. Students delivered presentations on their cultures with some demonstrating traditional dances and playing traditional instruments. The event was enriched with the performances of Ahmed Yesevi Sanat Topluluğu and a mini concert by Bilkent Klasik Türk Müziği Topluluğu. Moreover, a number of public and private institutions were represented with speeches being made related to the issues discussed at the Congress. Participants eager to introduce their countries had a good time watching the performances and had the opportunity to make new friends. At the end of the Congress a declaration was prepared to bring the problems of the Turkic students to the notice of the authorities. TÜDAT aims to make the Ankara Turkic World Student Congress an annual event and invite students from Ankara and other parts of Turkey.