Volume 16, Number 1
September 8, 2009

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This Week

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Orientation 2009: Welcome, New Bilkenters


GE 100 Introduction to Academic Life Program kicked off on September 3 and ended September 7, introducing newcomers to campus life at Bilkent University.
Students gained points by attending various activities such as seminars, movies, department introductions and concerts. Each activity was worth between one and three points. Each student had to collect points in order to complete GE 100 Introduction to Academic Life Program.

orientationNew comers collected their tickets by giving the coupon in their GE 100 Introduction to Academic Life Program catalog. Overall with 15 different programs, students had the opportunity to choose what sparked their interest. 

In addition, representatives from approximately 40 clubs set up booths in front of the Odeon to answer students' questions about their organizations. Many students took the chance to join groups they found interesting.

GE 100 Introduction to Academic Life Program continued with Radio Bilkent's traditional Open Air Party on the grass field at Main Campus, on Saturday, September 5.

You can check your GE 100 Introduction to Academic Life Program status from Friday, September 25 until February 1, from the web address http://newstars.bilkent.edu.tr/srs

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