Volume 16, Number 18
February 23, 2010

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Bend Your Body, Relax Your Soul by Meditation

yogaThe human mind has changed over the years.  Traditional methods are not relevant for today's mind. Everything is so artificial that no traditional method can be helpful.  Now the center of the human personality is the brain. This is why  if we have only verbal understandings of things, nothing changes, nothing will be transformed.

OSHO Active Meditations use chaotic methods rather than systemic ones to push the center down from the brain. Because systemization is brainwork, chaotic methods leave the brain out of all exercises so it has nothing to do. If you do OSHO DYNAMIC meditation vigorously, unsystematically and chaotically, your center moves to the heart. Consciousness must be pushed down to the source, to the roots. Only then is there the possibility of transformation. A chaotic method is needed to push the center of consciousness from the brain toward the heart. The navel is the source of vitality, the seed source from which everything else comes: the body and the mind. Then catharsis is needed to unburden the heart, to throw off suppressions, to open the heart. If the heart becomes light and unburdened, then the center of consciousness is pushed lower.

Whenever you are in chaos, the brain stops working and you act from your navel, your center, as if your stomach were reacting. If you ask a Zen monk “from where do you think?” he would say from his belly. If life energy is moving inward, ultimately the navel will become the center.

Dynamic meditation  is one of OSHO's active meditations for the 20th Century modern people. When the body and mind is in severe stress, it is really hard to relax and sit in silent  traditional meditations. Most of the time we are trapped in front of TVs and computers, our energy blocked inside. It is hard to sit in vipassana or zazen meditations positions. Our mind is so full and busy that it is really hard to free it. How can one sit in stillness when the mind is so busy? Why is our mind so busy? Because it is full of unexpressed feelings and untold stories. For example if you want to cry for something but you could not, or felt frustrated, but couldn't scream or shout, or even to see funny things happening around us and be unable to laugh heartily. All these emotions are trapped inside.

If you love your body; you become relaxed. That is why Dynamic Meditation begins with the body. Through vigorous breathing the mind expands, the consciousness expands; the whole body becomes a vibrating, living organism. You again become part of the greater biological sphere. With breathing, you begin to feel your whole body; you become one with it. Now it is possible for you to take a leap. Not only will you be one with your body, but all the tensions that have  accumulated in the body can be thrown out. If your movements are vital and vigorous, a moment will come when you will lose control. And that moment is needed. You must not be in control because your control is the barrier, you are the barrier.  You will not care about anything; you will not care about what others think.

The Physical Education and Sports Center will be offering Active Meditations Class at the Main Sports Hall, Wednesday, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

For more information please call Ahsen Küçükdurmaz at ext. 3339 or 1993, or e-mail to ahsen@bilkent.edu.tr.

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