Volume 16, Number 20
March 9, 2010

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This Week

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Müge TekinRecently, there has been a trend on owning blogs to write whatever one wants.  Some use blogs for writing about their memories, some for their interests like recipes, photos, games, sports, politics... Thinking on it a little, people open their inner worlds to the public more than ever before. I mean, the locked journals are slowly being replaced with online diaries that anyone from every corner of the world can see. Perhaps, everything in their minds aren't explicitly written, but still this might be interpreted as socializing. While surfing on the net, I've come across many examples of this. And I should say that I really sense a feeling of commitment and eagerness in a few of them. Today, I want to talk about the two that interested me the most.

The first one is related to cooking. Spending time in the kitchen seems to me enjoyable. However, what I probably like is dealing with dough. I mean patisserie kinds like baking cakes, muffins, savory snacks...  Saying this, I've never tried my skills (if any?) at baking. I sometimes think, it is probably one of the clever ways to earn money. The point is to be happy with what you are doing, right? Then, this could be it! And besides, as far as I see, people in this area earn pretty large  incomes. If you would like to get the recipes, the link of the blog is http://lickthebowlgood.blogspot.com. Indeed, if you have only a glance on the website, you'll probably feel hungry even if you are full!

My second example covers a variety of topics written by a 31-year-old woman on her life in Los Angeles. She states her reason for writing as follows: "I started blogging in June of 2003 when my father was dying of cancer. I was 25 years old and needed an outlet. He died only a few weeks later and coming here to write became something for me to hold onto." Much of her life is shaped by the early loss of her parents. Writing about it seems to be a good and clever way to deal with such sad events, I suppose. Besides, in her blog, she writes about her motherhood experiences, and you can also find the letters written for her little girl on her seventh month birthday, her eighth, ninth etc. Doesn't it sound great? For instance I would want to know when exactly I did begin to walk, speak and what word came out of my mouth for the first time. I mostly like her candidness; for instance she wants to be a bonafide author and writes about a writer, “I was envious of Karen Abbott… Where's my book? My reading? I couldn't help but think. Am I being lazy? Am I not talented enough? What am I doing wrong? It's embarrassing to write these things, but they are the thoughts I have every time I see another young author reading from a book they wrote and published.” If you're interested, the link is http://lifeinla.typepad.com.


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