Volume 16, Number 28
May 11, 2010

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“In Between”

in between“In Between” was the exhibition created with the selected works of students from the Department of Graphic Design.

As a concept signifying an intermediate state, “in between” is difficult to locate and solidify in spite of our everyday familiarity with it. It is a bridge, a constant passage, a state of limbo, that resists stabilization. The exhibit aims to ask questions such as: “What happens in ‘in between?’,” “What is it like to be in ‘in between’?,” and “How can we communicate being in the ‘in between’?”

Graphic design students interpreted the subject personally, culturally, socially and politically. Their works consisted of posters, photography, videos, and installations that can be viewed in between May 10-13, 2010, at the Siyah-Beyaz Art Gallery.

For further information, you can contact: gra@bilkent.edu.tr, and siyahbeyaz@galerisiyahbeyaz.com.

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