Bilkent News will print classified ads, space permitting. Ads can be placed only by Bilkent University students, faculty or staff. "For Sale" items must be second-hand items and ads of a commercial nature will not be accepted. Only one ad per person per week will be printed.
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For Sale: RAKS English Plus education set. Includes "Let's Start", basic intermediate and advanced sections as well as listening and reading exercises for a total of 11 CD's. $100
Call 240-6542 or e-mail
For Sale: Casio car TV. 570 LCD color TV 2.2 inch screen with car accessory kit incluing antenna, stand and adaptor.
Call Hakan at 290-2348 or 266-4895
For Sale: Flash cards for advenced English learners (kelime ezber kartları) especially for GRE and GMAT.
Call İlhan at ext.7350