This year's election for Student Union Executive Committees campaign begins Tuesday, April 20, at 9 a.m. and ends Monday, April 26, at 5 p.m. The election will be held Wednesday, April 28.
On Monday, May 3, election results will be announced. On Tuesday, May 4, each committee, which represent each faculty and school, will elect a chairman and designate a nominee for the Executive Board of the Student Union. On Wednesday, May 5, the members of the committees will elect the five members of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board is responsible for supervising and organizing cultural, social and other extra-curricular activities in the University. It also represents the student body whenever the need arises. Bilkent University is unique in Turkey in having a Student Union elected directly by the students.
All campaign and voting-related questions can be directed to the Election Office, which is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays in room G-08 of the Engineering Building. The Office, which can be reached at ext. 2165, will answer questions about the election, coordinate campaign activities, and evaluate campaign materials.