From the Traffic Committee
The Traffic Committee, currently comprised of Dr. İhsan Sabuncuoğlu (IE Dept.), Dr. Cevdet Aykanat (CS Dept.), Oğuz Benice (School of Tourism and Hotel Management), Ayşin Gürbüz (Dean of Students Office), Ayşe Selçuk (Provost Office) and Dr. Erinç Yeldan (Econ. Dept.), was established by the Office of the Rector. The set of rules and measures it establishes and enforces are intended to maintain a safe, orderly, and harmonious traffic environment on campus. Among the important principles the committee would like to emphasize are the following:
- Pedestrians have the right of way at Bilkent University. Drivers should slow down in an area with pedestrians. If they see a pedestrian at a marked crossing, they should come to a full stop.
- Since speeding is the major cause of accidents, it is extremely important that drivers abide by the posted speed limits and traffic signs.
- As a sign of respect to others, drivers should avoid making excessive noise -- either with loud music or honking.
- It should be noted that the University regards driving and parking a vehicle within the boundaries of the campus as a privilege (not a natural right) granted to students, staff, and visitors.
Let's all work together for a safe and accident-free academic year.