Volume 7, Number 18 26 February 2001 |
SOYAT Collects Toys for Orphans
Do you want to make orphan children happy? If your answer is yes, then please take part in the new campaign of Sosyal Yardımlaşma Topluluğu (SOYAT). You can donate all kinds of toys (new and used) to be given to children in orphanages. SOYAT will have stands available in the FEASS building to collect these toys on March 13, 14 and 15. Remember to look for your old toys while you are home for the Bayram Holiday. For further information about the campaign, contact Berkin at ext. 4854 or Çakır at ext. 4818, or send e-mail to soyat@ug.bilkent.edu.tr.
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