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Volume 7, Number 20
19 March 2001

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SOYAT Active With New Campaign
Soyat members at the toy collectionSOYAT (Sosyal Yardımlaşma Topluluğu), which has been active with charitable campaigns since it was established in 1999, has just completed its most recent donation activity, called Ex-Toys for Tots. In the past, the club has organized collections for earthquake victims and Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu.

Generally, the aim of the club is to organize social charity events. Another objective is to find scholarships and part-time jobs for university students. The club has also stimulated Bilkent students by offering conferences and discussions. Additionally, club members have collaborated with other clubs to organize common activities at Bilkent.

Twenty bags of toys have been collected so far and there is still time to donate. To contact SOYAT about the Ex-Toys for Tots campaign, send e-mail to, or

İhsan Sönmez (IR/III)

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