Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (BASSO) starts the season with Idil Biret, the renowned Turkish pianist, on Tuesday, November 7.
BASSO will be performing every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the FMPA concert hall. There will be a series of eight concerts in the program. Conductors include Gürer Aykal, Arjan Tien (from Holland), Jack Mercier (from France), and I. Ionescu-Galati (from Romania). The soloists - including İdil Biret, Tedi Papavrami (from France), François Weigel (from France), Gülsin Onay, Florin Galati (from Romania), Adrian Petrescu (from Romania), Rene Giessen (from France) - will be performing with BASSO this season.
Tickets can be obtained from the FMPA ticket office (reservations are accepted) or Sevda Cenap And Foundation (on Tunalı Hilmi Street), Çarşı (in Çankaya), Beymen Club (in Karum), or Dost Bookstore (Kızılay-Kavaklıdere branches). For more information, call 266-4382.