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Volume 8, Number 5
October 23, 2001

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Traffic Rule Violations Carry Severe Consequences!

   Bilkent University has, in many ways, been a pioneer in promoting “Respect on the Roads” through the policies it has adopted. Pedestrians, for instance, have the right of way at all times. You should never forget that driving on campus is not a right, but a privilege granted to you by the other members of the Bilkent community, and that those driving a personal vehicle on campus amount to only 30% of all students at Bilkent.
   Failing to comply with the established rules and regulations, which are for the safety of all of us, will naturally result in certain measures being taken on an equal basis, for anyone concerned. Bilkent University has now established a Violation Points System, which has been put into effect as of this academic year.
   The Violation Points System described below, aims at prevention, rather than penalization. Bilkenters must realize that driving through campus is a temporary privilege and it is natural for one to lose this privilege in case of failing to abide by the rules.

Violation Points

Speeding: Speed above limit (The speed limit is 50 km/h on campus, dropping to 30 km/h when approaching intersections) up to;
%50 (2 points)
%50 - %100 (5 points)
over %100 (8 points)
Failing to stop at traffic lights (8 points),
Driving against the flow of traffic
(8 points),
Dangerous driving (6 points), (violating rules for turning and overtaking, forming convoys, etc.),
Failing to stop at pedestrian crossings (5 points),
Environmental and noise pollution
(2 points), (Driving vehicles with a defective exhaust system, playing loud music, throwing waste, unnecessary use of the horn, etc.),
Failure to use safety belts or helmets
(2 points),
Using a mobile phone while driving
(2 points),
Failing to observe parking rules
(2 points),
Failing to carry legal documents
(2 points)

Implementation of the Violation Points System

The system is outlined as follows:
1) Drivers reaching a total of 15 or more points in one academic year have their sticker suspended for 3 months. Privileges as a driver (smart card facilities, etc) are also suspended and the driver is banned from driving any vehicle on campus during this period. The Dean / Director is notified. For students, the family is also officially informed.
2) Drivers reaching a total of 15 points in one academic year for the second time have their sticker suspended for 1 year. Other measures stated above are also applied.
3) Drivers reaching a total of 15 points in one academic year for the third time, have their sticker suspended for a duration not less than 3 years, depending on the decision of the Traffic Committee, and are banned from driving on campus during this period.
4) Under certain circumstances, the Traffic Committee has the right to apply for disciplinary action to be taken.
   Further details of evaluation of the violation points and the implementation of the system are available at the Traffic Committee website (

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