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Volume 8, Number 9
November 20, 2001

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Too Busy to Join a Club? Think Again!

    Participation in different clubs opens a new window of opportunity for students at the university. Not only does it give the individual the opportunity to improve their personal qualifications, but also is a way to fully enjoy life on campus during their academic years.
   Increasing your self-confidence and sense of responsibility, participating in clubs also helps to enhance social interaction skills. It also offers the opportunity to improve personal skills such as creativity, leadership, open-mindedness and communication.
   Being a member of a club could improve your ability to focus on a specific activity, while allowing you to become more familiar with other activities on campus. This gives you the opportunity to gain more knowledge on a variety of issues while learning how to reach a collective decision. All of the above will have a positive impact on your future academic life.
   Fifty-nine clubs have been formed for the 2001-2002 Academic Year. Each one is different, but they all have common goals: to contribute to the social life on campus, to build an environment where you can make friends and develop the member’s organizational and communication skills, and to contribute to the creation of a ‘Bilkent’ spirit. Joining clubs facilitates your adaptation to the University environment. You may even have the opportunity, to represent the universtiy off campus.
    There will be a general Club Fair on Tuesday, November 20 at the Main Campus Sports Hall between 9 a.m.-4:45 p.m. This will be a great opportunity for everyone to become familiar with the abundance of clubs and activities offered on campus. Don’t be left out of the “loop!” Join a club today!

Özüm Saydam (IR/IV)

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