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Volume 8, Number 9
November 20, 2001

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Parking on Campus

   We would like to remind all drivers that on Main Campus, parking along roads - except those specially marked - is not allowed. The reason for this precaution is simply that the roads are narrow, and ring busses have difficulty navigating because of the vehicles parked on either side. The situation becomes even more urgent in case of a fire, or any other kind of emergency.
   The Traffic Committee, although fully aware of the problem of insufficient parking areas, feels it is necessary to draw attention to the fact that being allowed to drive a personal vehicle on campus does not mean that you automatically have the right to park anywhere nearest to your destination. On many campus universities in the USA, for example, you are required to leave your car in parking lots outside the campus gates and use public transport or ring busses within the campus. At other universities, the number of stickers issued to personal vehicles is limited by the capacity of the parking lots allocated to each department.
   At Bilkent, great effort is taken to make it possible for vehicles belonging to the Bilkent community to enter the campus without any restrictions. However, drivers are expected to remember that parking space may be limited in certain areas. One can however, easily park within the near vicinity of their destination, usually within a 3-5 minute walk. Ring busses within the Main Campus area are also available every 20 minutes and run between the faculty housing areas and the dormitories, via the Faculty of Engineering, the School of English Language, FEASS and FADA. Thus, if the parking lot at your destination happens to be full, there are plenty of alternatives.

Bilkent University Traffic Committee.Click, to go back to the contents of this issue

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