Student + Film + Festival = PASO 3
Bilkent University’s Communication and Design Department is organizing the third Annual Student Film Festival, in association with the Ankara Goethe Institute and the Ankara University Faculty of Communication. This international festival will take place at the Goethe Institute, March 1-3, 2003. The organization aims to screen student films in an environment free of conventional categories and competition.
The third Paso Student Film Festival will enlarge its aims and offer new insights such as 'New Media'; on the other hand it will also continue previous traditions such as international workshops, seminars, and discussions along with other special events.
During the festival, Bilkent will host International films from students - mainly European - and Bilkenters will have the opportunity to participate in workshops with their guests and share ideas about short films, student films and cinema. If you are interested and would like to be a part of the Festival, check the festival’s website at http://www.art.bilkent.edu.tr/filmfest/ Don’t forget that the deadline for applications is December 15, 2003.
Bengi Turgan (ECON/III)