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Volume 10, Number 14
6 January 2004

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Finally!!! Tarantino’s long anticipated movie is at cinemas across Turkey. I am sure most of you saw the movie on the 2nd of January (Release date of the movie). As you guys remember I wrote about “Kill Bill-Volume I” more than a month ago. (Bilkent News, Volume 10/Number 8, November 11) This time, rather than going over the movie once again, I feel it necessary to mention the director and the writer of the movie, Quentin Tarantino - an exalted human being in the Hollywood movie industry.
As most of you know, Kill Bill is Tarantino’s fourth movie. We first knew him with “Reservoir Dogs (1992)”. Two years later, he showed up, in the director's seat, with Pulp Fiction, which still is an unforgettable movie for me and for many Tarantino fans. In 1997, another movie, Jackie Brown (Based on the novel Rum Punch by Elmore Leonard), was presented to the greedy audience by Tarantino. Finally, he sat on his bewitched director seat once again and directed Kill Bill in 2003. That is not all. I think - metaphorically - he is like a treasure coffer. When you look at his background, each work he did brightens like a diamond. He acts, writes, directs and produces. He does everything and whatever he does, just fits him like a glove, while satisfying the audience.
I believe most of you are familiar with Tarantino's style in directing since he is famous for that original style. For those who have no idea, the first thing that you should know is that, violence is an inseparable part of Tarantino movies. Lately, one might think that exaggeration has also become a part of his films. Especially in “Kill Bill - Volume I”, you might find some exaggerated and violent scenes, but I don’t believe so. Moreover, he has a very unique and exceptional choice of music for his extraordinary scenes in all of his movies.
I believe Tarantino addresses his work to a certain audience profile. The reasoning behind my approach is, simply not thinking the same way most of you do. It is clear that many people find Tarantino movies very violent and savage, whereas I never felt uncomfortable with his work. According to this critic, he has a charming talent in expressing his work, thus you do not stick in a scene - mostly a violent scene-and consider the movie as a whole. Normally I get distracted by a violent or an exaggerated film like many of you, but surprisingly I never felt this way in any of Tarantino’s movies. On the contrary, with each of his movies he always made me feel an unforgettable enthusiasm. I guess that is why Tarantino is one of my favorites. For your information, Kill Bill is currently showing at many movie theatres in Ankara. Good luck with your finals!

Atilla Karakurum (IE/III)

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