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Volume 10, Number 24
13 April 2004

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The Streets of Ankara

Midhat Paşa
Midhat Paşa was a Ottoman Statesman. As Governor of Bulgaria, he succeeded within the few years of his term (1864-69) in raising the country from misery to relative prosperity. Schools, roads, and granaries were built from funds obtained by local taxation. He was briefly Grand Vizier (chief executive officer-sadrazam) in 1872. In 1876, at the head of the reforming party, he led the revolution that deposed Sultan Abdülaziz. The new sultan, Murat V, was in turn shortly deposed because of his insanity, and Abdülhamid II then succeeded him. Late in 1876, as Grand Vizier, Midhat Paşa secured the spread of the first Turkish constitution, but as soon as Abdülhamid regained control, he sent Midhat Paşa into exile. After being recalled as governor of Syria, Midhat Paşa was charged with the murder of Abdülaziz and died in prison.

Hande Kaya (IR/III)

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