Students Come Together for Plant Festival
The Plant Festival, in which approximately 200 people participated, was held on April 10, on East Campus.
The festivity was organized by Kulüp Anadolu with the help of TDP (Toplumsal Duyarlılık Projeleri),
Çevre Kulübü, Bilkent Halk Bilimleri Topluluğu and Bilkentli Trabzonsporlular. From TDP,
Community Volunteers Group (Toplum Gönüllüleri Grubu) joined with students from both of its projects,
one of which is the "Support to University Personnel Project" and the "Şentepe Genç Bakış Project"
"Türkoğlu Elementary School" from GEP (Gönüllü Eğitim Projesi) also represented TDP in the festivity.
Elementary school students from the “Support to University Personnel Project” and Türkoğlu, high
school students from "Şentepe Genç Bakış Project", Bilkent University students and some academicians
of the Bilkent family enjoyed being together while planting 250 trees in the area next to Meteksan
Lake on East Campus. After planting the trees, the group went to the grass field in front of
Dormitory 76, where the Bilkent Halk Bilimleri Topluluğu gave a short concert.
The next “Bilkent Plant Festival” is being planned for next year, with more participants
expected and many more trees to plant. In order to get more information and see the photos of
the festival you can visit http://tog.bilkent.edu.tr or http://www.anadolu.bilkent.edu.tr