Tuesday, May 4
Conference: Cumhuriyet ve Hukuk, by Özdemir Özok, at SATM, RC-22,
12:30 p.m. Organized by İşletme Bilgi Yönetimi Kulübü.
Play: Roberto Zucco, by Bernard Marie Koltes, at the FMPA, Theater Hall, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, May 5
Seminar: “Green Chemistry: “Green” Biotechnological Process for Chiral Bioactive Compounds”, by Prof. Ayhan Demir, at FS, B-Block, Z-14, 3:40 p.m.
Seminar: “Turco-Graecia: Population Growth, Economic Expansion and Cultural Dynamics of Central Greece in the 15th and 16th Centuries”, by Prof. Machiel Kiel, at FEASS, Z-31, 4:30 p.m.
Lecture: “Late Bronze Age Elites in Central Europe”, by Cristof Calusing, at FEASS, H-132, 5:30 p.m.
Film: “Spirited Away”, directed by Hayao Miyazaki, at FADA, FB-309,
6 p.m. Organized by Animasyon ve Çizgiroman Kulübü.
Friday, May 7
Seminar: “Semidefinite Relaxation and Nonconvex Quadratic Optimization under a Polyhedral Norm Constraint”, by Prof. Alper Şen, at EA-409, 1:40 p.m.
Seminer: Hidroelektrik Perspektifinden Türkiye ve AB Politikalarına Bakış, by Nadi Bakır, at FEASS, C-Block Auditorium, 3:40 p.m.
Play: Roberto Zucco, by Bernard Marie Koltes, at the FMPA, Theater Hall, 8 p.m.
Monday, May 10
Film: Karanlıkta Dans, at the Student Council Building, Video Room, 6 p.m. Organized by Bilkent Hukuk Kulübü.
For the latest updates see: http://goto.bilkent.edu.tr/whatson