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Volume 10, Number 27
4 May 2004

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TDP Continues It’s Programs

TDP(Toplumsal Duyarlılık Projeleri) started with the motto “Sorunun değil çözümün bir parçası olmak için” and will carry on its activities, with "TDP Günleri", after "23 Nisan Demiryolu Hattı Projesi . 'TDP Günleri' will be held on May 3-4 and aims to promote the TDP in and out of Bilkent, especially in the area of informing all our students about social consciousness, voluntary actions, and children's rights. Participants for the discussions are, Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Doğramacı, Nasuh Mahruki the founder of AKUT, program maker of Best FM Tarkan Tüzmen and Bekir Coşkun from the Hürriyet newspaper. The TDP holds a panel discussion with the contributions of Kırıkkale University on ' Children's Rights'.
Additionally, a play by Necati Cumalı entitled "Kaynana Ciğeri" will be held for the children who are educated within the 'Voluntary Education Project', on Tuesday, May 4, at the C-Block Auditorium, 2 p.m.

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