The Bilkent basketball teams will play against METU, at the METU
Sports Hall, on Tuesday, November 30.
We invite
all Bilkent students, faculty members and administrative staff to come out and support the
Bilkent basketball teams.
Here is the schedule for the upcoming games:
Tuesday, November 30, at METU Sports Hall
METU - Bilkent (Women): 5:30 p.m.
METU - Bilkent (Men): 7 p.m.
Thursday, December 2,
at Bilkent Main Sports Hall Bilkent - Başkent (Men): 5 p.m.
Saturday, December 4, at Koç University Sports Hall
Koç - Bilkent (Men)
Sunday, December 5, at Sabancı University Sports Hall
Sabancı - Bilkent (Women)
Sabancı - Bilkent (Men)