Volume 11, Number 15
28 December 2004

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Fitness Tips

As a woman, I am not interested in building huge muscles, but I would like to tone a few spots. Do you have any suggestions?


Assuming you are in good health, the following guidelines for training should be helpful:
-Remember to begin with light weights to practice the basic techniques.
-To begin with, do only one set of 10-12 reps per exercise. Work out every other day for one or two weeks, and then increase your workout to two sets.
-After one or two more weeks, increase your workout to three sets.
-The next step is to increase the weight and decrease the number of reps and/or sets.
-Remember that calcium is important for bone strength and muscle contractions. The recommended daily dose for women under age 30 is about 1,000 mg.
Source: Stokes R., Moore A.C., Moore C., Schultz S.,“Fitness, the New Wave,” Hunter Textbooks Inc., 1992

By Dr. Alper Ušraž
Physical Education and Sports Centera

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The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.