The Student Development and Counseling Center is offering a
Career Preparation Group for senior students.
Most of us think that by the time we start university, our lives have already been shaped.
Our choice of a major also seems to determine our future career. But this is not
necessarily the case. And even if our university studies do in fact prepare us for the
field of work we intend to enter, we still might have some concerns, such as:
-"Did I pick the right field?"
-"Am I going to be successful in this field?"
-"Am I going to be able to find a job?"
-"Am I going to be able to adjust to work life?"
-"Am I going to make enough money?"
-"What will happen to my friendships?"
If you have questions like these, you are welcome to join us for our Career Preparation
-Only seniors (fourth-year students) will be accepted.
-The group will meet for eight weekly sessions over the course of two months.
-Each session will last 1.5 hours, and regular attendance is required.
You can apply to the Student Development and Counseling Center until February 16.
Contact Fatma Toga at ext. 1785, 1786 for appointments.