Since the 2003-2004 fall semester, Bilkent University has offered
support to first-year students through Academic Student Coordination Units (ASCUs) and
related tutorial programs established within faculties and departments. These include the
ASCU of the Faculty of Engineering and the ASCU of the Departments of Management and
Economics within the Faculty of Business Administration and the Faculty of Economics,
Administrative and Social Sciences.
The Faculty of Engineering ASCU is a hub composed of three Academic Student Coordinators,
one for each department within the faculty. The coordinators offer one-to-one
consultations and coaching sessions for students, follow the students' progress, and
contact and advise them as necessary. In addition, the ASCU helps students develop skills
in areas like time management, study habits, communication, problem solving and critical
thinking; offers tutorial sessions for physics and mathematics courses; and organizes
social activities to enhance students' campus life. For more information about the
services offered by the Faculty of Engineering ASCU, you may visit the unit's web address:
Within the Faculty of Business Administration and the Faculty of Economics, Administrative
and Social Sciences, the ASCU of the Departments of Management and Economics offers a
tutorial program that gives students extra study time in the courses freshmen struggle
with most. Students taking a particular course benefit from the experience and knowledge
of their tutor, a more senior student who has taken the course earlier. Students meet with
their tutors for two hours a week apart from their regular classes.
As of the 2005 spring semester, the Departments of Management and Economics are offering
tutorials in Economics and Mathematics courses. Tutorials will begin on February 21 for
Department of Management and Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
freshmen. Schedules will be announced on the ASCU web site and departmental information
boards. For more information on the tutorial program and the Department of
Management/Department of Economics ASCU, please visit