On Tuesday, March 22, a group of Bilkent volunteers organized a
debate for high school students as part of the Sincan Genç Bakış Project. The
students chose "Turkey's Entrance into the European Union" and
"Violence" as their topics.
The Genç Bakış Project is one of the Bilkent Toplum Gönüllüleri Grubu volunteer
programs. It aims to promote the social and cultural development of high school students
by helping them organize their own volunteer projects. The Bilkent project group, which
worked at Şentepe High School last year, is this year assisting students at Ahmet Andiçen
Ticaret Meslek Lisesi in Fatih.
During brainstorming sessions, the students came up with their activities for the year:
organizing a festival at their school; working with children in the Çocuk Esirgeme
Kurumu; and reorganizing their school premises. Through their involvement in such
activities, high school students learn how volunteer organizations can assist and improve
society. The Bilkent volunteers organized last week's debate in order to help the
teenagers develop their communication skills.