The Management and Economics Club (MEC) is one of the oldest
student clubs at Bilkent, with the largest number of members.
The general coordinator of MEC, Kerem Can Yücel, told Bilkent News that
MEC has many members from different faculties and departments who are involved in a
variety of activities. The organization welcomes Bilkenters from every faculty, and
invites them to learn more about the club and become members through its website:
MEC has many upcoming events scheduled. On March 31 and April
1, 'İnsan Kaynakları Günleri' will take place and will include the
participation of Eczacıbaşı, Akbank and Garanti Bankası. An annual MEC event,
Eko-Platform, will take place on April 19 including Sinan Aygün, Rauf
Ateş, and Prof. Şükrü Kızılot as participants. e
Yılmaz (IR/I)