Volume 11, Number 28
3 May 2005

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This Week

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Bilkent to Host Symposium on Foreign Language Theory and Application

The School of Applied Languages is hosting a symposium on the theory and application of foreign languages: Theorie et Pratique de la Formation en Langues Étrange Applique. Speakers from Turkey, France, Greece, Egypt, Lebanon, Switzerland, Germany, Taiwan, Canada, Algeria and other countries will discuss the importance of foreign language in the age of globalization. The sessions will include presentations on specialized languages, language and technology, translation, culture, linguistics and language teaching.
The aim of the conference is to bring together professionals from institutions and companies, translators, linguists and foreign language teachers to discuss the importance of foreign language education and its impact in the business world.
The French Embassy in Ankara and Lafarge Turkiye are sponsoring the symposium; presentations will be given in French.
All students and academic staff are welcome to attend this conference, which will be held at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium on May 4-6, 2005.

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