Dear Bilkent News,
Many services at Bilkent have improved recently or are just plain good. Some services,
however, need a little improvement. I give comments about those that stand out to me, and
invite other Bilkenters to add theirs.
Housing Office: Simply, “hats off” to Baki Bey and all the helpful
people who work in housing!
Library: In the 10/26 Bilkent News, there was a complaint from a student
about the Library making on-line renewal available only to faculty. While it is
frustrating for students not to have this, as an instructor, I am pleased with this and
other library services. My requests are NEVER ignored, and most are satisfied. To the
students: be patient. I am glad, at least, the Bilkent News gives you a forum for
Saps for E-mailing Students: The system for contacting students
( is excellent! I can contact my students from anywhere.
When there are glitches, the Saps people fix them as soon as possible.
Needs Improvement
Cigarette Smoking: It isn't fair that most academic buildings have places
for faculty, but not students, to smoke. I sympathize with students I catch smoking during
breaks in bathrooms on top floors, while faculty can simply "light up." Bilkent
shouldn’t treat our students (and possibly non-faculty workers?) as second-class
citizens. Either let no one smoke in buildings, or give some place for all to smoke.
Recycling: While I am happy to have this service at Bilkent, two bins
were removed over a year ago, near Café IN and Coffee Break. Many won't recycle if it's
too difficult.
Turkish-Only Announcements: Many non-e-mail memos are written only in
Turkish. I often simply don't have time to try to understand them with my intermediate
Turkish. At an English-medium university, memos should be available in English. I would
like to congratulate, however, whoever is responsible for e-mail announcements, which are
ALWAYS in English.
Walking at Night: After dark it is still dangerous in at least three
step/road areas:
1) between the Faculty Club and both the Entrance and main road bus stops;
2) between the Rektörlük and Meteksan; and 3) between Meteksan and middle campus. Please
improve the lighting and repair the damaged steps -- or give us flashlights!
Erin Maloney / SAL