Volume 12, Number 19
28 February 2006

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This Week

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Career Corner... Career Corner...

The Career Development and Placement Center's "Career Days" program is continuing this week. In March, the annual "Career Fair" will be held.

The CDPC would like to thank all Bilkenters for their interest in Bilkent Career Days 2006.

This week's program consists primarily of personal development workshops, success stories and case studies. You will find a complete listing of the week's activities below:

Tuesday, February 28
12:40 p.m.:
Takım Çalışması,
Yeşim Türköz, Clinical Psychologist,
Bilkent University FADA, FFB-22
(1 Hour, 1 Point)

5:40 p.m.:
Mezuniyet Sonrası Yaşam

(1 Hour, 1 Point)

Wednesday, March 1
12:40 p.m.:
Davranış Profillerinin Keşfi,
Serdar Lale, Management Center Turkey
(2 Hours, 2 Points)

5:40 p.m.:
Sanat ve Kişisel Gelişim:
Picasso Documentary,
Moderator: Anita Gob, Bilkent University
(1 Hour, 1 Point)

Thursday, March 2
12:40 p.m.:
Fen Bilimlerinde Akademik Kariyer,
Prof. Tayfun Özçelik,
Bilkent University FADA, FFB-22
(1 Hour, 1 Point)

5:40 p.m.:
İş Seçme ve İş Görüşmesi Teknikleri,
Necmi Kavuşturan, Human Resources Coordinator, Zorlu Holding
(2 Hours, 3 Points)

Friday, March 3
12:40 p.m.:
ABD'de Eğitim ve Staj Olanakları
(1 Hour, 1 Point)

Monday, March 6,
12:40 p.m.:
Rusya'daki İş İmkanları,
Ali İhsan Akıskalıoğlu, Batubay Özkan, İkbal Dürre, Cem Tezelman, Rus Türk İşadamları Birliği
(1 Hour, 1 Point)

5:40 p.m.:
Hanzade Avcı Sarıçiçek, Cyberpark
(1 Hour, 1 Point)

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Please submit your letters to bilnews@bilkent.edu.tr
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The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.