The exhibition, organized by
Assist. Prof. Dominique Kassab-Tezgör and curated by Çagla Saraç from
Bilkent and Nino Chogoshvili and Maya Koyava from Georgia, was a
milestone in the area of cultural exchange between Turkey and Georgia
and proved to be a great success.
The showing at the Tbilisi State
Art Academy was only the first in a series. The exhibition will next
move to Batumi, where it will be shown at the Ajara State Museum of Art.
Bilkenters will then in their turn have a chance to host the Georgian
academicians and see their works at the Bilkent University art gallery.
The project received important
support and assistance from the Turkish ambassador in Georgia, Ertan
Tezgör, and the consul general in Batumi, Evki Mütevellioğlu, as well as
from the rector of the Academy, Prof. Gia Bugadze, and the dean of the
Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Prof. Bülent Özgüç.
In addition to the success of the
exhibit itself, the warmth of their colleagues at the Art Academy,
Tbilisi's famous hospitality and the ancient beauty of the Georgian land
made the trip there unforgettable for the six instructors who had the
honor to represent Bilkent in Georgia.