Bilkent students are familiar with the work of TDP (Toplumsal Duyarlılık Projeleri),
which is carried out by Bilkent student volunteers and supported by other organizations
such as Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (TGV) and Uygar Görme Engelliler Derneği.
For the upcoming academic semester, TDP is looking for your ideas and your participation
as a new volunteer. You can become involved in one or more of TDP's many worthwhile
projects: Gönüllü Eğitim Projesi, Yetiştirme Yurdu Projesi, Manevi Evlat Projesi,
Görme Engellilere Eğitim Projesi, Bilgisayar Eğitimi Projesi, Üniversite Personeline
Destek Projesi, Genç Bakış Projesi and Sokak Lambası Projesi.
mission is to help individuals and the community, and to solve problems and make a
difference through the efforts and ideas of its volunteers. TDP invites all students to
contribute their time and suggestions. For more information, you can call ext.1550 or
Pınar Kefeli (COMD/III)