Dr. Alper Uğraş, Bilkent Tennis Program Director and USPTR (United States Professional
Tennis Registry) Instructor, spends a large amount of time on the courts, teaching the
sport that he has been playing since 1979. He has served as Assistant Athletic Director at
the Bilkent University Physical Education and Sports Center since 1996.
Uğraş notes that tennis is quite popular at Bilkent. "Students are extremely
interested in tennis, and many take credit or non-credit tennis courses. These courses not
only focus on the theory of the game but also on the idea that tennis should be fun! The
main aim of the courses is to instill in students the benefits of a healthy lifestyle
through sports," said Uğraş. He also suggests that students should enroll in at
least one accredited sports course during their time at Bilkent.
Bilkent has three outdoor courts available, one on East Campus and two on Main, plus an
indoor court on Main. Too cold to play outdoors in the winter? How about taking advantage
of these indoor courts! Right next to the dormitories on Main Campus, the covered and
heated courts offer a perfect environment to play, from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. All you
need to do is call ext. 1993 or ext. 1325 to reserve a court. Have fun!