The GBP program has been carried out both of the past two academic years,
in collaboration with Þentepe Lisesi the first year, and Sincan Ahmet
Andiçen Lisesi the second. During the program, high school students came
up with their own volunteer projects, such as cleaning and reopening the
library in their school and giving computer courses to the children in
Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu. The success of these projects has inspired many
other university branches of TOG, and also had an effect on shaping the
TOG/MEB protocol.
GBP volunteers are currently making plans for this year's project and
are looking at four candidate schools, one of which will be chosen as
the partner school for this academic year. In addition, the volunteers
are receiving training for the work they will be doing during the
project and coordinating with MEB regarding further details of the
If you would like to get more information about the project and how to
participate, you can visit