you like to learn more about journalism? The Bilkent Basın Yayın Kulübü
(BBYK) aims to provide its members with information on journalism, the
media and the publishing business by organizing writing and design
workshops. These workshops cover topics such as: how a news article or
analysis is written; how an interview is conducted; what programs are
used to design a magazine and what to keep in mind when working on a
design; and, what the ethical rules of journalism and publishing are.
This Friday, November 18, BBYK is presenting a talk, Şu
Çılgın Türkler, by Turgut Özakman, to be held at FADA, FFB-22, at noon.
The BBYK is also planning to organize a series of lectures (Basın Yayın
Günleri) at Bilkent, featuring well-known journalists and writers as
speakers. For more information about BBYK and its activities, please
email soyler@ug.bilkent.edu.tr
or visit
Ekrem Söyler (MAN/III)