of students attended the Kişisel Gelişim Seminerleri (Personal
Development Seminars) organized by the Mühendislik Topluluğu (Engineering
Society) October 24-28. The seminars covered topics related to
developing one's potential for success.
The organizers stated that approximately 300 students from
different departments attended the seminars. Interest in the topics
covered as well as the good organization provided by the society under
the leadership of its president, Çağrı Çıraklı (IE/3), contributed to
the seminars' success.
The Engineering Society's upcoming events include the
Kişisel Gelişim ve Mesleki Eğitim Programı (Personal Development and Job
Training Program) to be held at the end of November.
Zalimkhan Ataev (ECON/II)