Make a Video for UNICEF |
The United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF) expects your contributions in the fifth year of the Special
Session on Children. If you are under the age of 25, all you need to do is make a video
about the positive and negative sides of what the children in your city may encounter on
subjects including protecting them from being neglected and exploited, healthy living,
qualified education and fighting HIV/AIDS. The videos should express that young people are
sensitive to what is going on around them and reflect the mission of the "Voices of
Youth," a discussion board where you can explore, speak out and take action. Videos
must be one minute long, in the .mpeg, .avi or .mov format and free of copyrighted
materials. The videos will be judged by a jury and broadcast on UNICEF's web site. If you
are interested, send your video by e-mail to cschuepp@unicef.org with your name, age,
mailing address, e-mail address, phone number and the name of the video. Enjoy your shoot!
Yeşim Şağban (IE/III)